Introducing the first-ever infographic for the Q1 2024 Guest Experience Benchmark Report!  Download it here.

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Semantic Analysis

Gain a deeper understanding of written guest feedback with our text analytics tool. Find out what is driving your ratings and what you can do to improve guest satisfaction at your property.

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How it works

Thousands of online reviews and survey responses are processed and categorized to give a qualitative view of guest feedback. This complements and deepens what can be understood from the quantitative indexes, scores, and ratings.

Turn guest feedback into action

Quickly identify areas that are most affecting your guest experience to support business decisions, understand competitors, and focus staff on priorities.

Identify the right priorities, right now

Gain clear insight into what is most impacting your online reputation with the Impact Analysis functionality. Set clear priorities and drive action where it matters most.

Gain advantage over the competition

Identify revenue opportunities by benchmarking against your competitors to see what they do better and why, according to their guest reviews.

Our Semantic Analysis tool analyzes and organizes daily
Hospitality related concepts
Semantic categories
graphic reviewpro 3 solutions for hotels

Turn guest feedback into action

Top Level View: our dashboard provides a top-level summary of what your guests are talking about. See a clear breakdown of which areas are most impacting guest satisfaction, monitor the evolution of your strengths and weaknesses over time, and view a summary of competitor’s results.

Track Results: take a quick, visual temperature check of your semantic results for any timeframe. See the full dataset across all the key segments and categories in one expandable widget and view segmented guest feedback data (source, language etc.) by using our advanced filter functionality.
* up to three years of historical data.

Individual Dashboards: empower your department heads to understand where they can improve by viewing detailed overviews of the categories that are specific to their jobs. You can filter results and save them in views to be scheduled, ensuring that the relevant data goes to the right person.

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Gain competitive advantage

Advanced Filters: advanced filters allow you to view results by key segments like review source, trip type, or traveler type. This affords deeper insight into the drivers behind your results. Filters can be saved in a View from which you can create tailor end specific reports and alerts to review or share with other users or departments.

Mentions: view a full list of all the reviews and responses where a specific concept has been mentioned. You can expand each mention to view extra information about the mention (source, rating, and date). Link back to the review or survey it appeared in with one click, so you can read the entire piece of feedback and respond if needed.

Leverage Brand Competition: gain visibility into what guests say about your direct competitors online so you can identify revenue opportunities. The Competitive Sentiment Quality Index™ (CSQI) gives you an insight into how you rank against your competitors and understand what they do better than you and why.

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Find this feature in...

Hotel Reputation

Analyze, understand, and measure online reputation results using the Global Review Index™️, a proprietary algorithm based on data collected from 45 languages across 140 review sites. Benchmark competitors, make data driven decisions, and watch your reputation and revenue grow.

Guest Surveys

Fully customizable surveys that gather the data you need to make smart operational decisions. Collect information via in-stay or post-stay surveys at any stage of the journey, via any device. Gain valuable insights by filtering your results based on PMS filters, and analyze the feedback with powerful sentiment analysis technology.

Guest Experience Platform

Our powerful guest experience platform allows you to aggregate, view and manage all your guest feedback and competitors’ data in one central dashboard, so you can make data driven decisions and collect fresh information at key touchpoints across the guest journey whether that is in the form of a review, survey response, or messages.


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