Introducing the first-ever infographic for the Q1 2024 Guest Experience Benchmark Report!  Download it here.

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Contact our team and learn how ReviewPro can help your business

  • Leverage your online reputation to boost revenue.
  • Use data to back up operational and service improvements.
  • Stay ahead of competition via new and innovative technologies, like AI and automation.
  • Improve satisfaction levels at every stage of the guest journey.
  • Set up effective and relevant guest communication strategies
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Anthony Khoo, Senior Vice President, Ascott Limitedicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

The Ascott Limited

Irene Lim - AVP Customer Relations

"The voice of our guests is always an important part of our Brand Experience strategy. The insights help us deliver a brand-led customer experience for all our guests. ReviewPro has been a supportive and valued partner to us in helping us deliver this objective."

Ramón Adillón, Customer & Visitor Experience, Paradoresicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels


Ramón Adillón - Customer & Visitor Experience

"In this day and age, it’s not enough to do it well. It’s necessary that customers perceive that you are doing well. You must take customers' opinions into account and act precisely where the customers tell you to act."

Gefferson Alves, General Manager, Aquaria Natalicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

Aquaria Natal

Gefferson Alves - General Manager

"I wanted to have an app to measure our guest satisfaction in order to prepare our training better and give a clear scenario to our main investors on what to invest in and why."

Vivian Hertzberger, Marketing & Communication, Inntel Hotelsicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

Inntel Hotels

Vivian Hertzberger - Marketing & Communication

"ReviewPro definitely influences how we connect with our guests because it gives us a lot of insights and an overview of what we have to do to make our guest's experience a better experience, and the data helps with that a lot."

Winston Hanes, COO, Archipelagoicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

Archipelago International Hotels & Resorts

Winston Hanes - COO

"What made me go with ReviewPro is that the system works, and the support team. The fact that they are always there."

Gefferson Alves, General Manager, Aquaria Natalicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

Aquaria Natal

Gefferson Alves - General Manager

"How important is it to have a tool like ReviewPro? I would say it’s the most important tool that we have in our hotel. ReviewPro has the best quality, the best service, the best team, and the best cost/benefit."

Winston Hanes, COO, Archipelagoicone video play reviewpro solutions for hotels

Archipelago International Hotels & Resorts

Winston Hanes - COO

"ReviewPro allows us to solve any problems with the guest while they’re at the property, so we don’t hear about it after they have left via a negative review."